
My Adventure with Walmart Online Grocery Pick Up and Popsicles!!

Makes life easier and a whole lot sweeter!!

By By Bronwyn Velazquez Monterey Park and Glendale Macaroni Kid Publisher June 15, 2018

  This week I gave the Walmart Online Grocery Pick Up App a test drive. I was pleasantly surprised at the simplicity. I found the App in the Apple App Store and downloaded it. It loaded promptly to my phone and I created a profile. I have never used Walmart Grocery Pick Up before. I was given a task from Macaroni Kid to try out the Walmart service and order Unilever Frozen Treats. I has happy to accept this challenge and give them a whirl. I LOVE Unilever Brand Frozen Treats. Popsicle Brand, Good Humor, Klondike and Breyers are some of our family favorites. So I was very excited to just shop for ice cream and pops! I searched for the brands I was looking for, and to my surprise, Walmart had almost every flavor you could ever imagine. What an awesome variety. With exceptional price points. Now came the hard part. Deciding. 


  After I loaded my virtual cart with everyone's picks, next came check out. Swift and Easy! I chose the time I wanted to pick up. I choose an after school time slot of 3:00-4:00 P.M. I input my credit card info and I was immediately emailed a confirmation and receipt of my transaction. They also give you an option if you must make a last minute change, you could adjust your order by a certain time the morning of. That was a great option to have in case you made a mistake or forgot an item. The email also explained that I was to receive another email the day of pick up letting me know that my order was ready. I thought to myself, WOW! This is really easy. Why have I not used this service before? This is the link to the Rosemead Walmart that I used for my order. It's convenient and local. It's also the closest Grocery Pick Up in the surrounding San Gabriel Valley. 


  When you pull into the Walmart, there are numerous vibrant and visible signage to direct you to your Grocery Pick Up space. You can either utilize the App and check in, or you can call. There are numbers posted on each Pick Up space with a phone number to call for check in for your Pick Up. We parked in Space 2. 


  I checked in on the App and within 4 minutes a Walmart worker was pulling out our order in a wagon. Jazzmin helped us with our order. She was cheerful, helpful and answered any questions we had. They even load your order into your car. How amazing is that? This is such a huge time saver. And I can see this service helping a new parent, a parent with multiple children, a mom with a sleeping baby or a parent who simply does not want to stress with shopping and kids. Sometimes our kids push us over our budgets with those impulse buys. I am totally guilty of that. This knocks that issue out of the ball park. But when you think of this service, you can think of others who could benefit. Grandparents, the elderly, someone with an injury, someone ill, or anyone who is tired. And summer!!! Can you imagine the ease of this service in the sweltering So. Cal heat? I was sold!! 


  We thanked Jazzmin and off we went for the drive home. We did not even have to rush, because our order was perfectly frozen. Driving home I was thinking of what I will order next. And the thought of just picking up my groceries or necessities in the upcoming summer months made me a happy Mom. Now to get all this goodness into the house!! We ordered Breyers Cherry Vanilla, Breyers Rocky Road, Breyers 2 in 1 Oreo Chips Ahoy!, Popsicle Brand Fruit Pops Orange, Popsicle Brand Ice Pops Variety Pack, Fudgsicle Fudge Bars, Good Humor Variety Pack and a Klondike Neapolitan 6 pack.Thank goodness we have two freezers. 


  We got home and had fun taste testing!! I LOVE all these brands and they are often in our freezer. We all agreed on the NEW Popsicle Brand Fruit Pops!! WOW!! These are delicious. Made with real juice and low in sugar. These would be perfect on a hot day or when you are feeling under the weather. None of us have had Neapolitan Klondikes before, and my Dad gave them two thumbs up. He's looking forward to ALL the other flavors of Klondike bars Walmart stocks. The 2 in 1 Oreo and Chips Ahoy! Ice cream was AMAZING!! I don't think this tub is going to last long. I plan to make an ice cream cake with one of the other Breyer's tubs next week! Happy kids! Happy Family!


  My daughter LOVES Good Humor's Strawberry Shortcake bars. As do I!! This is one treat that instantly takes me back to simpler times of childhood and teenage years. If you went to High School with me you would remember the vending machine with Good Humor treats! And the quest for another Strawberry Shortcake. All in all, I personally recommend the Walmart Online Grocery Pick Up App and service! I also recommend the Rosemead Walmart. And if you can't tell by now, I LOVE and recommend Unilever Brand treats!! I am truly looking forward to going back to Walmart for Grocery Pick Up and trying out the rest of our sweet treats. 

                         This is a Sponsored Review. 

    All thoughts, opinions and recommendations are my own.